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Nesbitt Memorial Library

Colorado County Members, Texas State Troops, 1861-1863

The list below presents the names of all individuals who have been identified as members of Colorado County's units of the Texas State Troops during the Civil War. Each person's name is followed, in parenthesis, by an indication of where he might be found in the synopsis of the Colorado County Texas State Troops.

Benjamin Marshall Baker came to Columbus in 1857 to work on the Colorado Citizen, a newspaper that his older brother, James Davis Baker, established. In early 1861, the younger Baker joined a company of Confederate infantry that was slated for membership in Hood’s Texas Brigade and, accordingly, the Army of Northern Virginia. He sent letters describing the company’s trip to Virginia to his brother, who published them in his newspaper. No copies of many of the 1861 issues of the newspaper have been found. It is likely that some of the missing issues also contained letters written by Ben Baker. These letters were published collectively for the first time in Nesbitt Memorial Library Journal, vol. 8, no. 1, January 1998, pp. 33-37.