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Nesbitt Memorial Library

Barry A. Crouch Collection (Ms. 41)


Xerographic copies of documents relating to the activities of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands (commonly known as the Freedman's Bureau) in Colorado County and the surrounding area from 1865-1869. Most of the original documents are stored in the National Archives in Washington, D. C. A few are part of the collection of the Texas State Archives in Austin, Texas. The collection was donated to the library by the historian Barry A. Crouch, who made the copies and used them in his research, in 1997.

Summary of Contents:

Correspondence and reports, 1865 (1-1)
Correspondence and reports, 1866 (1-2)
Correspondence and reports, February - July 1867 (1-3)
Correspondence and reports, August - December 1867 (1-4)
Correspondence and reports, January - April 1868 (1-5)
Correspondence and reports, May - August 1868 (1-6)
Correspondence and reports, September - December 1868 (1-7)
Correspondence and reports, 1869 (1-8)
Documents relating to the Crisp plantation case (1-9)
Documents relating to the Powell arson case (1-10)
Service record of Eli W. Green (1-11)
Service record of John T. Raper (1-12)
Service record of Louis W. Stevenson (1-13)
Service record of Enon M. Harris (1-14)

Detail of Contents:

Correspondence and Reports, 1865 (1-1)
1. June 5 letter of Kidder Walker urging that a newspaper to educate people about the causes of secession be established
2. August 4 letter of Oliver Battle expressing his philosophy about emancipation and the future of the freedmen
3. August 5 letter of William J. Jones asking for an appointment in the Freedmen's Bureau
4. August 21 letter of George W. Smith recommending Frederick E. Miller for county office, praising his loyalty to the union, and mentioning Mike Muckleroy's attempts to have him jailed
5. September 11 letter of William J. Jones asking for advice on how to proceed in light of the absence of a Freedmen's Bureau agent
6. September 19 letter of Hiram G. Wright to district commanders asking for recommendations for employees of the Freedmen's Bureau
7. September 21 letter of Thomas H. E. Paine asking for employment by the Freedmen's Bureau
8. September 22 letter of George W. Smith, John D. Gillmore, and John C. Miller recommending Edward M. Glenn for employment by the Freedmen's Bureau
9. September 19 letter of L. F. Price, and others recommending Z. L. Neville for employment by the Freedmen's Bureau
10. October 24 letter of Eli W. Green regarding his arrival as Freedmen's Bureau agent in Columbus
11. November 20 letter of Leander C. Cunningham protesting the banning of the shipment of cotton from Alleyton
12. November 20 letter of William G. Webb requesting instructions on what to do with two black orphan children in his care
13. November 22 letter of Frederick W. Grasmeyer asking that a Freedmen's Bureau agent be assigned to La Grange to ensure that local blacks can be protected
14. November 24 letter of John T. Raper reporting his arrival as Freedmen's Bureau agent in Columbus
15. November 29 letter of John T. Raper inquiring about abandoned or orphaned black children and other conditions regarding the freedmen
16. December 5 bond of John T. Harcourt to whom an orphan black child has been bound
17. December 5 bond of John Cheney to whom three orphan black children have been bound
18. December 12 letter from James S. Davis requesting employment in the Freedmen's Bureau
20. December 21 letter of W. B. Price requesting advice on how to deal with questions regarding labor contracts in Fayette County
21. December 22 report of Frederick E. Miller on his activities in Frelsburg as an informally-appointed Freedmen's Bureau agent
22. December 26 report of John T. Raper regarding his arrest and fine of Frederick Tate
23. December 26 letter of Fred Barnard requesting authority to arrest John T. Raper for criminal violations in the arrest of Frederick Tate

Correspondence and Reports, 1866 (1-2)
1. January 15 letter of John T. Raper to Edgar M. Gregory requesting that he be mustered out of service
2. January 15 letter of John T. Raper to C. H. Whittelsey requesting that he be mustered out of service
3. January 17 report of S. J. W. Mintzer regarding labor conditions on plantations he has visited
4. January 24 statement of Melia Anderson regarding an assault she suffered at the hands of Samuel Hamilton in Columbus on January 16
5. February 4 letter of Frederick W. Grasmeyer and Livingston Lindsay requesting that J. L. Rand be left in bureau service in Fayette County
6. February 5 letter of P. H. Webster telling of conditions on plantations near Eagle Lake
7. February 14 letter of Frederick W. Grasmeyer refusing the proposed appointment as bureau agent in La Grange
8. February 16 letter of John Scott regarding conditions and murders in Lavaca County
9. February 21 letter of Frederick E. Miller explaining his motives in trying to help the bureau and stating that a school is needed for the freed children
10. March 10 letter of I. Johnson reporting his arrival in La Grange
11. July 31 report of J. Ernest Goodman on conditions he observed on a partial tour of Colorado County
12. November 19 letter of Enon M. Harris requesting troops to replace his departed contingent
13. December letter of Frederick E. Miller describing his activities on behalf of the bureau regarding labor contracts

Correspondence and reports, February - July 1867 (1-3)
1. February 2 report of I. Johnson on crimes committed by freedmen in Fayette County
2. March 7 letter of Enon M. Harris regarding commutation of rations for his soldiers
3. March 16 petition of Benjamin F. Williams, Edmund Eason, Ed Tobin, and Isiah Tobin and accompanying letter from Enon M. Harris requesting the removal of Margaret Hartnett as a teacher in Columbus
4. March 23 and March 27 letters of Enon M. Harris regarding the expected arrival of a new teacher
5. March 24 and March 29 letters of Enon M. Harris regarding a military detachment
6. April 1 letter of Enon M. Harris regarding labor contracts
7. April 24 letter of Enon M. Harris requesting information about a bounty law
8. May 1 monthly report of Enon M. Harris
9. June 1 monthly report of Enon M. Harris
10. June 5 letter of Enon M. Harris regarding the conduct of Bartley Zacharie
11. June 17 letter of Enon M. Harris regarding the escape and recapture of a prisoner named Davis
12. July 12 letter of Green Harris and other freedmen requesting instructions on how to register to vote
13. July 29 letter of Enon M. Harris and August 1 letter of Livingston Lindsay recommending A. G. Griffin for a position with the bureau; July 31 letter of A. G. Griffin asking for a position

Correspondence and reports, August - December 1867 (1-4)
1. August 3 monthly report of Enon M. Harris
2. August 10 letter of J. S. Gay suggesting changes to General Order No. 11
3. August 23 letter of Enon M. Harris recommending that the Columbus Tap Railroad be seized by the military
4. September 3 monthly report of Enon M. Harris
5. September 17 letter of Enon M. Harris providing the bureau with some personal data
6. October 2 monthly report of Enon M. Harris
7. October 6 letter of Enon M. Harris reporting that one of his soldiers, George Allen, deserted
8. October 26 letter of Enon M. Harris reporting a shipment of cotton for five freedmen
9. December 2 monthly report of Enon M. Harris
10. December 8 letter of William H. Sinclair suggesting that a bill for treating freedmen in the recent yellow fever epidemic be disallowed
11. December 8 letter of William H. Sinclair regarding the death of the teacher, James T. Jamison, near Columbus
12. December proceedings in the case of Harry Taylor
13. December 17 letter of Enon M. Harris regarding a dispute between John Tooke and his renters

Correspondence and reports, January - April 1868 (1-5)
1. January 9 letter of William H. Sinclair regarding back rent owed by soldiers and suggesting the money to pay it had been misappropriated
2. January 30 list of Enon M. Harris' debts compiled by William H. Sinclair
3. January 30 letter of William H. Sinclair regarding the death of the teacher, James T. Jamison, near Columbus, and criticizing the conduct of Harris toward teachers, impugning his honesty, and recommending that he be discharged
4. February 1 letter of Enon M. Harris asking that cavalry sergeant John Williams be allowed to remain on duty in Columbus to assist him
5. February 29 letter of Louis W. Stevenson reporting his arrival in Columbus to relieve Enon M. Harris
6. March 20 letter of Louis W. Stevenson reporting the departure of Enon M. Harris
7. March 20 letter of Louis W. Stevenson asking for instructions regarding an estate for which Enon M. Harris had been appointed administrator
8. March 23 letter of Louis W. Stevenson regarding the same estate
9. March 25 letter of Louis W. Stevenson regarding the same estate
10. April 8 letter of Louis W. Stevenson regarding the excessive fees charged by doctors and lawyers to freedmen
11. April 9 report of Louis W. Stevenson on Enon M. Harris' cash account
12. April 10 letter of Louis W. Stevenson regarding Enon M. Harris' note to the freedmen's school at La Grange
13. April 15 letter of Louis W. Stevenson characterizing recent fines assessed against freedmen as outrageous
14. April 21 note of Louis W. Stevenson regarding the debts of Enon M. Harris
15. April 22 letter of Louis W. Stevenson reporting that Enon M. Harris neglected to affix the proper stamps to labor contracts
16. April 23 letter of Louis W. Stevenson requesting a new teacher for Hallettsville
17. April 24 letter of Louis W. Stevenson regarding the possibility of collecting what has been subscribed for the school fund
18. April 30 monthly report of Louis W. Stevenson

Correspondence and reports, May - August 1868 (1-6)
1. May 2 letter of Louis W. Stevenson regarding the case of Hugh Ames, teacher in Hallettsville
2. May 11 letter of Louis W. Stevenson stating that certain missing freedmen were not found in his district
3. May 11 letter of Louis W. Stevenson regarding funds for a school and church at Alleyton
4. May 25 letter of W. M. Smith asking that the bureau agent not be withdrawn from Columbus
5. May 31 monthly report of Louis W. Stevenson
6. June 15 letter of Louis W. Stevenson recommending that William Lewis, a suspected horse thief, be held in jail rather than released
7. June 21 letter of Louis W. Stevenson notifying his superiors that he has ceased circulation of a circular
8. June 30 monthly report of Louis W. Stevenson
9. July 13 letter of Louis W. Stevenson regarding the arson case of S. C. Powell and recommending the removal of D. W. Harcourt as district attorney
10. July 14 letter of Louis W. Stevenson requesting a list of general orders
11. July 31 monthly report of Louis W. Stevenson
12. July 31 letter of Louis W. Stevenson reporting that William Lewis has been released on bail
13. August 20 letter of Louis W. Stevenson reporting that he has returned to duty after his leave of absence
14. August 24 letter of William H. Sinclair recommending changes in the authority of bureau agents
15. August 25 letter of William H. Sinclair recommending that freedmen be given first lien on crops they have labored to produce
16. August 31 monthly report of Louis W. Stevenson

Correspondence and reports, September - December 1868 (1-7)
1. September 21 letter of Louis W. Stevenson regarding the knifing of Green Brooks by Edward Price
2. September 30 monthly report of Louis W. Stevenson
3. October 19 letter of Louis W. Stevenson reporting that none of certain missing persons were in his district
4. October 31 monthly report of Louis W. Stevenson
5. November 18 letter of Louis W. Stevenson reporting on an attempt to burn Columbus in which some persons had attempted to implicate him
6. November 22 letter of Louis W. Stevenson reporting on the attempt to burn Columbus
7. November 30 monthly report of Louis W. Stevenson
8. December 4 letter of J. B. McFarland regarding the upcoming execution of a freedman and the sheriff's abilities
9. December 5 letter of Louis W. Stevenson accepting a position that was offered him
10. December 17 receipt of George McCormick for certain objects from Louis W. Stevenson
11. December 31 monthly report of Louis W. Stevenson

Correspondence and Reports, 1869 (1-8)
1. February 10 letter of Louis W. Stevenson acknowledging receipt of his orders to transfer to Jefferson
2. March 1 letter of Louis W. Stevenson reporting on his arrival in Jefferson
3. April 28 letter of Kidder Walker protesting the potential removal of Horace Haskell as postmaster of Columbus
4. May 20 report of William H. Sinclair on the financial improprieties of Enon M. Harris during his tenure in Columbus

Documents relating to the Crisp plantation case, 1867 (1-9)
1. October 7 statements of Nathaniel Axion, Charles Banks, James Banks, Fabe Caldwell, Henry Chavers, Mark Ervin, Jr., William Gilchrist, Tamer Harris, Anderson Lee, Caswell Smith, and Grandison Smith, all former slaves of John H. Crisp
2. October 8 report of Enon M. Harris
3. October 8 letter of Richard V. Cook and David H. Crisp with two exhibits
4. October 16 letter of Richard V. Cook and David H. Crisp 
5. October 20 letter of Richard V. Cook and David H. Crisp
6. November 16 letter of Richard V. Cook and David H. Crisp 
7. December 9 statements of James L. Walker and Andrew C. Burford
8. December 11 telegram of Enon M. Harris requesting legal council

Documents relating to the Powell arson case (1-10)
1. July 1, 1868 report of Louis W. Stevenson
2. Testimony taken before George Metz, June 1868

Service record of Eli W. Green (1-11)

Service record of John T. Raper (1-12)

Service record of Louis W. Stevenson (1-13)

Service record of Enon M. Harris (1-14)