Section 8
Genealogy Books and Articles
Adamcik, Aline Wienken. The Schriefer and Wienken Families. 1979. 75 pages. * Albright, Doris Beken. The Beken Family Story. Schulenburg: Schulenburg Printing and Office Supplies, 1989. 105 pages. * Bianchi, Ann Herod. A Working Report on Robert Henry Harrison and His Descendants. 2000. 40 pages. Bianchi, Ann Herod. A Working Report on the Descendants of William and Anne Smith McDaniel. 1999. 117 pages.* |
Blaha, Albert, compiler. Colorado County, Texas Czech Extractions of Marriages and Declarations 1850-1900. 59 pages. Call # TR S1 976.44 Clowe, Grace Campbell. Colorado County, Texas Czech Census Extracts, 1860, 1870, 1880 and 1900. [c. 1982]. 100+ pages. Call # TR S1 976.44 Colorado County Cemeteries, volume 1. Columbus: Archives of the Nesbitt Memorial Library, 1992. 90 pages. * |
Colorado County Cemeteries, volume 2. Columbus: Archives of the Nesbitt Memorial Library, 1994. 115 pages. * |
Cox, Dorothy Elkins. "Montgomery-Thatcher Cemetery." Stirpes, volume 27, number 2, June 1987, pp. 11-15. Contains much family history. |
Cox, Dorothy Elkins, compiler and editor. Pioneer Texans Montgomery and Thatcher Families and Their Descendants. [1992]. 248 pages. Call # TR S1 976.45 |
Gold, Theresa Gros and Donald T. Hoelscher. The Hoelscher Family of Texas: 1824-2003 -History and Genealogy of Anton and Mary Katherine Hoelscher. [1979]. 598 pages. Call # TR S1 976.45 Harrison, William Henry and William Mark Stein. "Index to Early Colorado County Probate Files." Nesbitt Memorial Library Journal, volume 1, number 7, November 1990, pp. 220-233. A name index to the first 800 probate files in the Colorado County Clerk's office. |
Howard, Hortense, comp. Descendants of Johann Joseph Miller with Related Genealogy. 1966. 84 pages. Call # TR S1 976.45 Janak, Dinah, Darlene Hayek, and William Mark Stein, compilers. "Digest of the Book of Land Certificates." Nesbitt Memorial Library Journal, volume 3, number 3, September 1993, pp. 123-167. Kahlich, Geneva Eggemeyer. Family Branches Ocker Kasberg Beimer Schneider. 100 pages. Call # TR S1 976.45 Kulhanek, Leonard M. The Kulhanek Family History. La Grange, Texas: Hengst Printing, 1983. 109 pages. Call # TR S1 976.45 Loftiss, Betty Arnold. The Elder Daniel Burford His Ancestors & Descendants of America (1684-1996). Greenville, Mississippi: Burford Brothers Printing, 1997. 787 pages. Call # TR S1 976.45 Loftiss, Betty Arnold. Burford Updates for the Elder Daniel Burford His Ancestors & Descendants of America (1684-1996). 1998. Call # TR S1 976.45 |
Loftiss, Betty Arnold. Burford Updates 1999 for the Elder Daniel Burford His Ancestors & Descendants of America (1684-1996). 1999. 99+ pages. Call # TR S1 976.45 McColloch, Willie Ann Frels. The Frels Family from Germany to Texas. Rosenburg: Lamar High Business Office Service, 1991. Call # TR S1 976.45 Moore, Edward H., comp. A Pieper Family History. 2000. 166 pages. Call # TR S1 976.45 Mullins, Marion Day. "Colorado County, Texas, Tax List, 1837." Stirpes, volume 7, number 1, March 1967, p. 13. Myrtle Cemetery Association. Myrtle Cemetery Rock Island, Texas 1902-2004. 2006, 64 pages.* Obenhaus, Anne Krenek. Krzenka 1806 Krenek 1978 Descendants of Josepha Krzenka (Joseph Krenek). 1978. 312 pages. Call # TR S1 976.45 Potter, Kay Schobel. Fourteen Generations Hester Potter Schumacher from the Thomas Jefferson Era. Columbus, Texas, 2000. 133 pages. Call # TR S1 976.45 |
Prince, Martha H. and John L. Prince III. The Chollett Family: Descendants of Johann Friedrich Chollett and Related Families. Tucson, Arizona, 2000. 158 pages. Call # TR Rau, Billie Hintz, Raymond Frank Rau, and LaVerne Eixman Mikus. Rau Family Tree. 1991. 234 pages. Call #TR S1 976.45 Routh, John and Nancy Wendel Routh. The Family Tree of Peter Jacob Wendel. 200+ pages. 1988. Call # TR S1 976,45 Ruhmann, Dorothy Beasley. Ruhmann and Beasley Family Roots. 1994. 200+ pages. * |
Schoellmann, Elizabeth Leopold, and Mary Vesely Kirby, ed. Christian Leopold "Der Swithe Boob." San Antonio: Thomas Reprographics, [1999]. 216 pages. Call # TR S1 976.45 |
Stein, William Mark, Wolfram M. Von-Maszewski, Marie Rose Remmel, Jim Kearney, et. al. "Excerpts from the Kirchenbuch of Louis Cachand Ervendberg." Nesbitt Memorial Library Journal, volume 2, number 1, January 1992, pp. 41-64. Transcription of Texas pages of an 1840s minister's church register. Stein, William Mark, and Bobbie Elliott. "Index to District Court Criminal Cause Files, 1837-1875." Nesbitt Memorial Library Journal, volume 4, number 2, May 1994, pp. 74-114. |
Stein, William Mark and Bobbie Elliott, comp. "Index to District Court Criminal Cause Files, 1876-1900." Nesbitt Memorial Library Journal, volume 8, number 2, May 1998, pp. 79-112. Struss, Sidney Elmer. Struss Family Heritage. 1988. 335+ pages. Call # TR S1 976.45 Towell, Roy Harrison, Jr. "The Towell Genealogy." Yellowed Pages, Quarterly of the Southeast Texas Genealogical & Historical Society, volume 19, number 4, winter 1989, pp. 197-208. Excerpts from the the author's Isaac Towell and His Family. Call # TR 016 SOU Towell, Roy Harrison, Jr. Isaac Towell and His Family. 1990. 274 pages. Call # TR 920 TOW Treybig, Arliss Annette. Branching Out In Texas: Descendants of Jacob Hennecke and Mary Braden. 1977. Revised 1981. 127 pages. Primarily genealogical, but with some material about the early history of Bernardo and Mentz. Call # TR S1 976.45 Treybig, Arliss Annette. Branching Out In Texas: A Historical Record of the Lucas Burtschell and Maria Elizabath Laux Family of Büdesheim, Germany. 1998. 158 pages. * |
Treybig, Arliss Annette. Glück Glueck 1853-1993 A Record of the Frank Glueck and Ludwina Koy Family. 1992. 82 pages. Call # TR S1 976.45 Treybig, Arliss Annette. Hardship and Promise: Historical Record of the Joseph Henneke and Anna Maria Middeke Family of Entrup, Westphalia, Prussia and Colorado County, Texas. 1992. 87+ pages. Revised version of the following. Call # TR S1 976.44 and in the Hopkins Collection Ctn 21 File 1 Treybig, Arliss Annette. Hardship and Promise: Statistical History of the Joseph Henneke, Sr. and Anna Maria Middeke Family. 1992. 82 pages. Supplement to the author's 1977 Branching Out In Texas, with much new information, but merely an early release version of the above. * Warschak, Carroll E. and Dale E. Wilde. Wilde Family History 1683-1995. 1995. 323 pages. Call # TR S1 976.45 Wassermann, Lillie Beck. The Anton and Rosina Koenig Beck Family and their Descendants 1844-1979. 305 pages. * Wassermann, Lillie Beck. The Changing Times and Story of the Franz Polk Family. 1977 210 pages.* |
Wyatt, Tula Townsend. The Seven Townsend Brothers of Texas 1826-1838. Austin: Aus-Tex Duplicators, Inc., 1974. 322 pages. Call # TR 976.45 |
Young, Patricia Gilleland and L. Richard Scroggins. The Tree and the Vine. Caldwell: The Gilleland Endowment, 1993. 160 pages. History of the Gilleland family, which includes articles by Margaret Holmes Johnson and Marshal E. Kuykendall, and illustrations by Robert L. Williams. Call # TR S1 976.45 |