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Nesbitt Memorial Library


Tenth Census of the United States (1880) Colorado County, Texas Compiled by Bill Stein, David Hahn, and Regena Williamson

Uhlig, Ernst (white, male, 36, farmer, Saxony) 51, 58, 14
Uhlig, Mariana (white, female, 39, wife, keeping house, Prussia) 51, 58, 15
Uhlig, Marie (white, female, 1, daughter, Texas) 51, 58, 16
Ulich, Alwin (white, male, 16, son, farmer, Texas) 52, 14, 2
Ulich, Alwina (white, female, 48, keeping house, Prussia) 52, 13, 48
Ulich, Eugen (white, male, 17, son, farmer, Texas) 52, 14, 1
Ulich, Hugo (white, male, 9, son, Texas) 52, 14, 5
Ulich, Otto (white, male, 11, son, Texas) 52, 14, 4
Ulich, Rudolf (white, male, 7, son, Texas) 52, 14, 6
Ulich, Valentine (white, female, 13, daughter, at home, Texas) 52, 14, 3
Ulrich, L. W. (white, male, 30, dry goods and groceries, New York) 50, 3, 1
Ulrich, Meriam (white, female, 8/12, daughter, at home, Texas) 50, 3, 3
Ulrich, Virginia (white, female, 22, wife, keeping house, Louisiana) 50, 3, 2
Untermeyer, Franziska (white, female, 51, wife, keeping house, Texas) 51, 57, 37
Untermeyer, Joseph (white, male, 52, farmer, Tyrol) 51, 57, 36
Upson, Alfred (black, male, 29, laborer, Georgia) 53, 4, 1
Upson, Almeda (black, female, 24, wife, housekeeper, Texas) 53, 4, 2
Upson, Fillmon (black, male, 2, son, Texas) 53, 4, 6
Upson, Grant (black, male, 3, son, Texas) 53, 4, 5
Upson, Thomas (black, male, 6, son, Texas) 53, 4, 4
Upson, William (black, male, 7, son, Texas) 53, 4, 3
Upton, A. B. (white, male, 29, laborer, Tennessee) 53, 19, 2
Urbanovsky, Johann (white, male, 30, son, Mähren) 51, 37, 20
Urbanovsky, Joseph (white, male, 60, farmer, Mähren) 51, 37, 17
Urbanovsky, Rosina (white, female, 53, wife, keeping house, Mähren) 51, 37, 18
Urbanovsky, Vinzenz (white, male, 7, son, Texas) 51, 37, 19
Urrup, Sahra (black, female, 61, house keeper, South Carolina) 51, 55, 1
Urshe, Amanda (black, female, 25, wife, housekeeper, Texas) 47, 4, 50
Urshe, Anne (mulatto, female, 3, daughter, Texas) 47, 5, 3
Urshe, Edward (mulatto, male, 5, son, Texas) 47, 5, 2
Urshe, George Jr. (black, male, 8, son, Texas) 47, 5, 1
Urshe, William (black, male, 25, farmer, Texas) 47, 4, 49
Usher, Alfred (black, male, 44, farmer, Texas) 51, 51, 14
Usher, Ann (black, female, 32, wife, keeping house, Tennessee) 51, 51, 15
Usher, Anna (black, female, 6, daughter, Texas) 51, 51, 19
Usher, Baby (black, male, 3/12, son, Texas) 51, 51, 21
Usher, Bettie (black, female, 13, daughter, at school, Tennessee) 51, 51, 16
Usher, Eddie (black, male, 3, son, Texas) 51, 51, 20
Usher, James (black, male, 10, son, at school, Texas) 51, 51, 17
Usher, Mary E. (black, female, 8, daughter, Texas) 51, 51, 18