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Nesbitt Memorial Library


Fifteenth Census of the United States (1930) Colorado County, Texas Surnames Beginning With A

Abell, Arthur C. (son, male, white, 20, single, Texas) 5, 12B, 62

Abell, Nonie (wife, female, white, 45, married, Texas) 5, 12B, 61

Abell, Sadie A. (daughter, female, white, 17, single, Texas) 5, 12B, 63

Abell, William H. (head, male, white, 53, married, Texas) 5, 12B, 60

Abell, William H., Jr. (son, male, white, 13, single, Texas) 5, 12B, 64

Abiles, Afafeta (daughter, female, Hispanic, 11, single, Texas) 16, 3B, 90

Abiles, Afeolonia (son, male, Hispanic, 3 1/12, single, Texas) 16, 3B, 93

Abiles, Andres (son, male, Hispanic, 17, single, N. Mexico) 16, 3B, 88

Abiles, Eliza (daughter, female, Hispanic, 5, single, Texas) 16, 3B, 92

Abiles, Esperanza (daughter, female, Hispanic, 9, single, Texas) 16, 3B, 91

Abiles, Jose (son, male, Hispanic, 13, single, N. Mexico) 16, 3B, 89

Abiles, Petra de La H (wife, female, Hispanic, 38, married, N. Mexico) 16, 3B, 86

Abiles, Romones (daughter, female, Hispanic, 18, single, N. Mexico) 16, 3B, 87

Abiles, Santiago (head, male, Hispanic, 39, married, Mexico) 16, 3B, 85

Acosta, Alfonso (son, male, Hispanic, 23, single, Texas) 13, 5A, 4

Acosta, Joe (head, male, Hispanic, 55, married, Texas) 13, 5A, 2

Acosta, Maria (wife, female, Hispanic, 56, married, Texas) 13, 5A, 3

Adam, Francis (granddaughter, female, white, 15, single, Texas) 1, 15A, 3

Adamcik, Annie (boarder, female, white, 22, single, Texas) 7, 9B, 94

Adamck, Edna (boarder, female, white, 22, single, Texas) 7, 12B, 90

Adams, Alice (daughter, female, black, 4/12, single, Texas) 6, 7B, 55

Adams, Amelia (wife, female, white, 63, married, Illinois) 15, 4A, 22

Adams, Andrew (brother-in-law, male, black, 25, single, Texas) 14, 21B, 57

Adams, Angeline (head, female, black, 80, widowed, N. Carolina) 6, 11A, 8

Adams, Carrie (wife, female, black, 57, married, Texas) 7, 9B, 86

Adams, Charles (head, male, black, 61, married, Texas) 16, 6A, 44

Adams, Charley Mae (daughter, female, black, 14, single, Texas) 13, 2A, 15

Adams, Cleo (son, male, black, 10, single, Texas) 6, 7A, 50

Adams, Elizabeth (daughter, female, black, 40, single, Texas) 16, 14A, 49

Adams, Felton (daughter, female, black, 5, single, Texas) 6, 7B, 53

Adams, Frank R. (head, male, white, 47, married, Texas) 14, 15B, 92

Adams, Hannah (wife, female, black, 63, married, Texas) 16, 6A, 45

Adams, Jess (head, male, white, 34, married, Iowa) 14, 7A, 36

Adams, Jewel (daughter, female, white, 5, single, Texas) 14, 15B, 96

Adams, Joe (head, male, black, 29, married, Texas) 6, 7A, 48

Adams, John (head, male, black, 68, married, Texas) 7, 9B, 85

Adams, Julia (head, female, black, 65, widowed, Texas) 16, 14A, 48

Adams, Leola (daughter, female, black, 8, single, Texas) 6, 7B, 51

Adams, Lorine (daughter, female, black, 9, single, Texas) 13, 2A, 16

Adams, Louie (son, male, white, 12, single, Texas) 14, 15B, 94

Adams, Man (head, male, black, 34, married, Texas) 6, 7A, 46

Adams, Mary (wife, female, black, 54, married, Texas) 13, 2A, 14

Adams, Mary (wife, female, white, 64, married, Mississippi) 3, 10A, 23

Adams, Marzella (wife, female, black, 26, married, Texas) 6, 7A, 49

Adams, Millie (wife, female, white, 45, married, Texas) 14, 15B, 93

Adams, Mozella (wife, female, black, 29, married, Texas) 6, 7A, 47

Adams, Pearl K. (wife, female, white, 35, married, Texas) 14, 7A, 37

Adams, Pearl L. (daughter, female, white, 9, single, Texas) 14, 7A, 38

Adams, Robert (son, male, white, 8, single, Texas) 14, 15B, 95

Adams, Sandy (head, male, black, 54, married, Texas) 13, 2A, 13

Adams, Sherman (son, male, black, 3, single, Texas) 6, 7B, 54

Adams, Sylvester (son, male, black, 6, single, Texas) 6, 7B, 52

Adams, W.A. (head, male, white, 63, married, Mississippi) 3, 10A, 22

Adams, Walter (head, male, white, 62, married, Illinois) 15, 4A, 21

Addechs, Fiona (servant, female, white, 27, single, Texas) 7, 6B, 81

Addicks, Albert (head, male, white, 68, married, Texas) 6, 2B, 64

Addicks, Bennie (son, male, white, 14, single, Texas) 6, 2B, 67

Addicks, Bertha (wife, female, white, 60, married, Germany) 6, 2B, 65

Addicks, Elvin (relative, male, white, 2 7/12, single, Texas) 8, 11A, 22

Addicks, Fred (head, male, white, 19, married, Texas) 15, 1B, 67

Addicks, Irene (relative, female, white, 4 4/12, single, Texas) 8, 11A, 21

Addicks, Leroy (relative, male, white, 6, single, Texas) 8, 11A, 20

Addicks, Louis (head, male, white, 30, married, Texas) 8, 11A, 17

Addicks, Mary (relative, female, white, 7, single, Texas) 8, 11A, 19

Addicks, Mattie (wife, female, white, 19, married, Texas) 15, 1B, 68

Addicks, Minnie (wife, female, white, 30, married, Texas) 8, 11A, 18

Addicks, Oscar (lodger, male, white, 23, single, Texas) 9, 3B, 55

Addicks, Robert (son, male, white, 38, single, Texas) 6, 2B, 66

Adkins, Addie L (wife, female, white, 70, married, Indiana) 15, 3B, 97

Adkins, Jennie (head, female, white, 71, widowed, Texas) 1, 7A, 13

Adkins, John B. (son, male, white, 50, single, Texas) 1, 7A, 14

Adkins, Levi (head, male, white, 73, married, Illinois) 15, 3B, 96

Adkins, Lewis (step-son, male, black, 14, single, Texas) 9, 6B, 54

Adkins, Robert (step-son, male, black, 16, single, Texas) 9, 6B, 53

Aguila, Epfima (daughter, female, Hispanic, 5, single, Texas) 13, 2A, 41

Aguila, Julia (daughter, female, Hispanic, 1/12, single, Texas) 13, 2A, 44

Aguila, Maria (daughter, female, Hispanic, 8, single, Texas) 13, 2A, 39

Aguila, Marteus (wife, female, Hispanic, 25, married, Texas) 13, 2A, 37

Aguila, Michiela (daughter, female, Hispanic, 6, single, Texas) 13, 2A, 40

Aguila, Pedro (head, male, Hispanic, 45, married, Mexico) 13, 2A, 36

Aguila, Pedro (son, male, Hispanic, 12, single, Texas) 13, 2A, 38

Aguila, Samuel (son, male, Hispanic, 3, single, Texas) 13, 2A, 43

Aguila, Santos (son, male, Hispanic, 4, single, Texas) 13, 2A, 42

Aguilar, Crus (daughter, female, Hispanic, 11/12, single, Texas) 16, 10A, 20

Aguilar, Maria (wife, female, Hispanic, 18, married, Mexico) 16, 10A, 19

Aguilar, Pablo (head, male, Hispanic, 30, married, Mexico) 16, 10A, 18

Ahlers, Ben (lodger, male, white, 41, single, Texas) 14, 12B, 78

Ahlers, Henry W. (head, male, white, 39, married, Texas) 14, 9A, 35

Ahlers, Ruby B. (wife, female, white, 39, married, Kansas) 14, 9A, 36

Ahlgrim, August (head, male, white, 68, widowed, Germany) 11, 11A, 13

Ahlgrim, Charles (son/ head, male, white, 34, married, Texas) 11, 11A, 14

Ahlgrim, Elo (son, male, white, 9, single, Texas) 11, 11A, 5

Ahlgrim, Fritz (son, male, white, 5, single, Texas) 11, 11A, 16

Ahlgrim, Hattie (wife, female, white, 38, married, Texas) 11, 11A, 4

Ahlgrim, Max (head, male, white, 36, married, Texas) 11, 11A, 3

Ahlgrim, Minnie (daughter-in-law, female, white, 34, married, Texas) 11, 11A, 15

Ahlgrim, Willmar (daughter, female, white, 1 11/12, single, Texas) 11, 11A, 17

Airey, James (head, male, white, 26, married, Louisiana) 1, 5A, 3

Airey, Joan (daughter, female, white, 1 1/3, single, Texas) 1, 5A, 5

Airey, Johanna G (wife, female, white, 23, married, Texas) 1, 5A, 4

Alaniz, Jesus (head, male, Hispanic, 23, married, Mexico) 13, 3A, 18

Alaniz, Juana (wife, female, Hispanic, 24, married, Texas) 13, 3A, 19

Albares, Florencio (son, male, Hispanic, 17, single, Mexico) 16, 10B, 56

Albares, Jaya (wife, female, Hispanic, 45, married, Mexico) 16, 10B, 52

Albares, Lulia (daughter, female, Hispanic, 16, single, Mexico) 16, 10B, 57

Albares, Martin (head, male, Hispanic, 56, married, Mexico) 16, 10B, 51

Albares, Martina (daughter, female, Hispanic, 24, single, Mexico) 16, 10B, 53

Albares, Reperta (daughter, female, Hispanic, 19, single, Mexico) 16, 10B, 55

Albares, Ruperto (son, male, Hispanic, 19, single, Mexico) 16, 10B, 54

Albrecht, Thomas A. (lodger, male, white, 22, single, Texas) 14, 12B, 91

Alderidge, Dennis (head, male, black, 17, single, Texas) 14, 19A, 10

Alderidge, James (nephew, male, black, 7, single, Texas) 14, 19A, 15

Alderidge, Sammie (nephew, male, black, 10, single, Texas) 14, 19A, 13

Alderidge, Sofronia (mother, female, black, 61, divorced, Texas) 14, 19A, 11

Alderidge, W.C. (nephew, male, black, 8, single, Texas) 14, 19A, 14

Alexander, Annie B. (wife, female, black, 29, married, Texas) 5, 14A, 38

Alexander, Bruce (head, male, black, 35, married, Texas) 5, 14A, 37

Alexander, Bruce C. (daughter, female, black, 11, single, Texas) 5, 14A, 39

Alexander, Charles (head, male, black, 43, married, Texas) 5, 14A, 45

Alexander, Charlie J. (head, male, black, 42, married, Texas) 14, 20B, 100

Alexander, Cliffie B. (daughter, female, black, 5, single, Texas) 5, 14A, 48

Alexander, Ella R. (daughter, female, black, 3 5/12, single, Texas) 5, 14A, 43

Alexander, Erving (nephew, male, black, 21, single, Texas) 16, 1B, 85

Alexander, Eula V. (daughter, female, black, 1 2/12, single, Texas) 5, 14A, 44

Alexander, Eva M. (daughter, female, black, 17, single, Texas) 14, 6B, 51

Alexander, Gracie M. (daughter, female, black, 10, single, Texas) 5, 14A, 40

Alexander, John (head, male, black, 48, married, Texas) 5, 14A, 49

Alexander, Joselle (daughter, female, black, 5, single, Texas) 5, 14A, 42

Alexander, Katherine (daughter, female, black, 9, single, Texas) 14, 6B, 52

Alexander, Louella (daughter, female, black, 9, single, Texas) 5, 14A, 41

Alexander, Lowemitchel (daughter, female, black, 6, single, Texas) 5, 14A, 47

Alexander, Lucian (nephew, male, black, 22, single, Texas) 2, 4B, 66

Alexander, Mary (wife, female, black, 37, married, Texas) 14, 6A, 50

Alexander, Pearl (head, female, black, 39, married, Texas) 14, 6A, 18

Alexander, Ross (nephew, male, black, 20, divorced, Texas) 16, 1B, 86

Alexander, Rowena (wife, female, black, 28, married, Texas) 5, 14A, 46

Alexander, S.A. (wife, female, black, 39, married, Texas) 14, 21A, 1

Alexander, Velma (head, female, white, 33, widowed, Texas) 6, 11B, 51

Alexander, William (head, male, black, 50, married, Texas) 14, 6A, 49

Alfonso, Barbarita (daughter, female, Hispanic, 21, single, Mexico) 16, 4B, 53

Alfonso, Eulijno (son, male, Hispanic, 18, single, Mexico) 16, 4B, 54

Alfonso, Juan (son, male, Hispanic, 12, single, Mexico) 16, 4B, 57

Alfonso, Mansanado (head, male, Hispanic, 48, married, Mexico) 16, 4A, 50

Alfonso, Martin (son, male, Hispanic, 23, single, Mexico) 16, 4B, 52

Alfonso, Maselina A. (wife, female, Hispanic, 38, married, Mexico) 16, 4B, 51

Alfonso, Paula (daughter, female, Hispanic, 16, single, Mexico) 16, 4B, 55

Alfonso, Ynosa (daughter, female, Hispanic, 14, single, Mexico) 16, 4B, 56

Alfred, Ruth L. (cousin, female, black, 13, single, Texas) 14, 5A, 47

Allala, Celistina (mother, female, Hispanic, 80, widowed, Mexico) 14, 18B, 73

Allen, Anna (wife, female, white, 41, married, Texas) 1, 12A, 7

Allen, Annie (wife, female, white, 33, married, Texas) 1, 1A, 33

Allen, Ansel (head, male, black, 58, married, Texas) 16, 1A, 48

Allen, Charles W. (son, male, white, 7, single, Texas) 7, 12B, 85

Allen, Charlie (son, male, white, 21, single, Texas) 7, 8A, 2

Allen, Charlie (wife, female, black, 46, married, Texas) 2, 4A, 19

Allen, Dee (head, male, white, 41, married, Texas) 1, 12A, 6

Allen, Donald (son, male, white, 5, single, Texas) 1, 1A, 35

Allen, Ed (head, male, black, 31, widowed, Mississippi) 7, 1A, 45

Allen, Frances (wife, female, black, 45, married, Texas) 16, 1A, 49

Allen, George E. (lodger, male, white, 22, married, Oklahoma) 14, 12B, 90

Allen, George H. (son, male, white, 16, single, Texas) 14, 8B, 54

Allen, Gloria (granddaughter, female, black, 4 7/12, single, Texas) 7, 9B, 88

Allen, Gloria M. (daughter, female, black, 4 8/12, single, Texas) 7, 5B, 76

Allen, Henry (head, male, black, 48, married, Texas) 2, 4A, 18

Allen, Jack (son, male, white, 5, single, Texas) 1, 12A, 10

Allen, James (boarder, male, black, 25, single, Louisiana) 7, 12B, 55

Allen, Jerald (son, male, white, 3 1/12, single, Texas) 1, 1A, 36

Allen, Jessie (head, female, black, 20, married, Texas) 7, 5B, 75

Allen, Julia (head, female, black, 58, divorced, Texas) 7, 5B, 63

Allen, Lee D. (head, male, white, 46, married, Texas) 14, 8B, 52

Allen, Mack (son, male, white, 5, single, Texas) 1, 12A, 9

Allen, Melvailina (head, female, white, 79, widowed, Georgia) 3, 5B, 86

Allen, Mollie (head, female, white, 60, widowed, Texas) 7, 8A, 1

Allen, Mona (wife, female, black, 22, married, Texas) 7, 3A, 29

Allen, Norma (head, female, white, 35, widowed, Texas) 7, 12B, 83

Allen, Pauline (daughter, female, white, 13, single, Texas) 7, 12B, 84

Allen, R. L. (head, male, white, 31, married, Louisiana) 1, 1A, 32

Allen, Raymond (head, male, black, 27, married, Texas) 7, 3A, 28

Allen, Robert J. (lodger, male, white, 23, single, Alabama) 14, 22B, 62

Allen, Robert L. (son, male, white, 6, single, Texas) 1, 1A, 34

Allen, Sam (son, male, white, 44, single, Texas) 3, 5B, 87

Allen, Thomas (son, male, white, 15, single, Texas) 1, 12A, 8

Allen, Vida H. (wife, female, white, 42, married, Texas) 14, 8B, 53

Alley, Adline (wife, female, black, 48, married, Texas) 10, 1A, 48

Alley, Albert (son, male, black, 39, divorced, Texas) 13, 6B, 63

Alley, Alex (head, male, black, 52, married, Texas) 10, 1A, 47

Alley, Allene (daughter, female, white, 19, single, Texas) 16, 3A, 1

Alley, Almur (son, male, black, 4 5/12, single, Texas) 13, 4A, 48

Alley, Alvin (son, male, white, 32, single, Texas) 16, 2B, 100

Alley, Andrew (head, male, black, 45, married, Texas) 13, 4A, 38

Alley, Andrew (son, male, black, 19, single, Texas) 13, 4A, 40

Alley, Annie M. (sister, female, white, 76, widowed, Maryland) 14, 10B, 88

Alley, Bessie N. (wife, female, black, 18, married, Texas) 2, 2B, 70

Alley, Bill (head, male, black, 60, married, Texas) 2, 2B, 62

Alley, Delia (wife, female, white, 42, married, Texas) 16, 3A, 5

Alley, Delia G. (daughter, female, white, 11, single, Texas) 16, 3A, 7

Alley, Earl (son, male, white, 17, single, Texas) 16, 3A, 2

Alley, Edna (daughter, female, white, 16, single, Texas) 16, 3A, 3

Alley, Felton (son, male, white, 6, single, Texas) 16, 3A, 10

Alley, Fielder (head, male, black, 60, widowed, Texas) 3, 1B, 83

Alley, Gillispie (son, male, black, 13, single, Texas) 10, 1A, 50

Alley, Heneritta (wife, female, black, 58, married, Texas) 2, 2B, 63

Alley, Henry (son, male, black, 15, single, Texas) 10, 1A, 49

Alley, Ida M. (daughter, female, black, 13, single, Texas) 2, 2B, 66

Alley, Ira (daughter, female, black, 17, single, Texas) 13, 4A, 41

Alley, Irene (daughter, female, black, 11, single, Texas) 13, 4A, 44

Alley, Irvin (son, male, white, 18, single, Texas) 1, 9A, 13

Alley, J. R. (head, male, white, 73, widowed, Texas) 16, 2B, 97

Alley, James (son, male, black, 12, single, Texas) 2, 2B, 67

Alley, Joe D. (head, male, white, 44, married, Texas) 16, 3A, 4

Alley, Joe E. (son, male, black, 16, single, Texas) 2, 8B, 58

Alley, John A. (son, male, white, 11, single, Texas) 16, 3A, 6

Alley, John D. (son, male, white, 9, single, Texas) 16, 3A, 8

Alley, L. D. (son, male, black, 10, single, Texas) 2, 8B, 61

Alley, Lam (son, male, black, 23, single, Texas) 2, 2B, 64

Alley, Lanious (son, male, black, 16, single, Texas) 2, 2B, 65

Alley, Lou (wife, female, black, 49, married, Texas) 2, 8B, 56

Alley, Maggie (daughter, female, black, 13, single, Texas) 2, 8B, 59

Alley, Minnie (wife, female, black, 42, married, Texas) 13, 4A, 39

Alley, Ollie (head, female, white, 38, widowed, Texas) 1, 9A, 12

Alley, Quindera (daughter, female, black, 12, single, Texas) 2, 8B, 60

Alley, Roseveldt (son, male, black, 7, single, Texas) 2, 8B, 62

Alley, Ruby (daughter, female, black, 7, single, Texas) 13, 4A, 46

Alley, Ruth (daughter, female, black, 7, single, Texas) 13, 4A, 47

Alley, Shelby (son, male, white, 35, single, Texas) 16, 2B, 99

Alley, Shelley (lodger, male, white, 35, divorced, Texas) 1, 21A, 35

Alley, Thomas (son, male, white, 37, single, Texas) 16, 2B, 98

Alley, Tom (head, male, black, 20, married, Texas) 2, 2B, 69

Alley, Tom (head, male, black, 56, married, Texas) 2, 8B, 55

Alley, Tom, Jr. (son, male, black, 3 4/12, single, Texas) 2, 8B, 64

Alley, Toney (son, male, black, 18, single, Texas) 2, 8B, 57

Alley, Vastine (son, male, black, 9, single, Texas) 13, 4A, 45

Alley, Wiley (son, male, white, 7, single, Texas) 16, 3A, 9

Alley, William (uncle, male, white, 81, married, Texas) 13, 1B, 82

Alley, Willie (son, male, black, 13, single, Texas) 13, 4A, 43

Alley, Willie (son, male, black, 5, single, Texas) 2, 8B, 63

Alley, Woodie (son, male, black, 15, single, Texas) 13, 4A, 42

Allison, Eunice (daughter, female, black, 19, widowed, Texas) 8, 1B, 93

Allison, George (son, male, black, 17, single, Texas) 8, 1B, 94

Allison, Horac (grandson, male, black, 7, single, Texas) 9, 3A, 1

Allison, Horace (son, male, black, 6, single, Texas) 7, 4B, 64

Allison, Jessie (head, male, black, 63, widowed, Texas) 8, 1B, 92

Allison, Juanita (daughter, female, black, 5, single, Texas) 7, 4B, 65

Allison, Lawrence (head, male, black, 29, married, Texas) 7, 4B, 60

Allison, Lonnie M. (daughter, female, black, 8, single, Texas) 7, 4B, 63

Allison, Ruby (daughter, female, black, 9, single, Texas) 7, 4B, 62

Allison, Vera L. (wife, female, black, 27, married, Texas) 7, 4B, 61

Allmand, Eugenia S. (daughter, female, white, 22, single, New Mexico) 4, 2A, 24

Allmand, Woodson N. (head, male, white, 75, widowed, Virginia) 4, 2A, 23

Aloysia, Sister (head, female, white, 42, single, Germany) 7, 1A, 18

Alvarado, Gregoria (daughter, female, Hispanic, 5/12, single, Texas) 9, 9B, 68

Alvarado, Hustina (daughter, female, Hispanic, 2, single, Texas) 9, 9B, 66

Alvarado, Jose (head, male, Hispanic, 34, married, Texas) 14, 20A, 35

Alvarado, Juanita (daughter, female, Hispanic, 5, single, Texas) 9, 9B, 65

Alvarado, Juanita (wife, female, Hispanic, 31, married, Texas) 14, 20A, 36

Alvarado, Maria (wife, female, Hispanic, 23, married, Texas) 9, 9B, 63

Alvarado, Pedro (son, male, Hispanic, 5, single, Texas) 14, 20A, 37

Alvarado, Rafael (head, male, Hispanic, 57, single, Mexico) 14, 20A, 40

Alvarado, Ramon (head, male, Hispanic, 28, married, Mexico) 9, 9B, 62

Alvarado, Santiago (son, male, Hispanic, 4 1/4, single, Texas) 14, 20A, 38

Alvarado, Sara (daughter, female, Hispanic, 1 1/4, single, Texas) 14, 20A, 39

Alvarado, Selome (head, male, Hispanic, 62, married, Mexico) 9, 7A, 39

Alvarado, Seprano (son, male, Hispanic, 2, single, Texas) 9, 9B, 67

Alvarado, Victoria (wife, female, Hispanic, 43, married, Mexico) 9, 7A, 40

Alviar, Alverto (lodger, male, Hispanic, 30, single, Texas) 14, 15B, 78

Ammann, Carroll Q. (son, male, white, 7, single, Texas) 7, 11A, 16

Ammann, Charles (head, male, white, 41, married, Texas) 8, 1B, 69

Ammann, Emma (wife, female, white, 33, married, Texas) 8, 3A, 1

Ammann, Emma K. (daughter, female, white, 10, single, Texas) 8, 3A, 3

Ammann, Evelyn (daughter, female, white, 7, single, Texas) 8, 3A, 4

Ammann, Everett (son, male, white, 2 3/12, single, Texas) 8, 3A, 6

Ammann, Everette (head, male, white, 43, married, Texas) 8, 2B, 100

Ammann, Lula (wife, female, white, 40, married, Texas) 8, 1B, 70

Ammann, Mae G. (head, female, white, 37, widowed, Texas) 7, 11A, 14

Ammann, May A. (head, female, white, 63, widowed, Texas) 7, 12A, 33

Ammann, Odessa (daughter, female, white, 12, single, Texas) 8, 3A, 2

Ammann, Pattie (daughter, female, white, 4, single, Texas) 8, 3A, 5

Ammann, Paul G. (son, male, white, 9, single, Texas) 7, 11A, 15

Ammos, Morrie (wife, female, black, 68, married, Texas) 3, 4B, 70

Ammos, Riley (head, male, black, 55, married, Texas) 3, 4B, 69

Amons, Sissie (head, male, black, 40, widowed, Texas) 16, 1A, 50

Amos, Arch (head, male, black, 70, married, Arkansas) 16, 1A, 21

Amos, Calvin (head, male, black, 23, single, Texas) 3, 6A, 9

Amos, Champ (head, male, black, 34, married, Texas) 3, 5A, 13

Amos, Chester (son, male, black, 15, single, Texas) 3, 5A, 15

Amos, Clarice (niece, female, black, 4 5/12, single, Texas) 7, 4A, 9

Amos, Henrietta (daughter, female, black, 4 11/12, single, Texas) 3, 6A, 19

Amos, Henry (father, male, black, 74, widowed, Arkansas) 3, 6A, 10

Amos, James (head, male, black, 39, married, Texas) 3, 6A, 21

Amos, Jesse (head, male, black, 21, married, Texas) 16, 1A, 25

Amos, Lethia (wife, female, black, 36, married, Texas) 3, 6A, 22

Amos, Lettie (wife, female, black, 34, married, Texas) 3, 5A, 14

Amos, Lexana (wife, female, black, 21, married, Texas) 16, 1A, 26

Amos, Loston (head, male, black, 25, married, Texas) 3, 6A, 17

Amos, Loston, Jr. (son, male, black, 2 11/12, single, Texas) 3, 6A, 20

Amos, Lucile (daughter, female, black, 14, single, Texas) 3, 5A, 16

Amos, Lutishia (wife, female, black, 24, married, Texas) 3, 6A, 18

Amos, Maggie (niece, female, white, 17, married, Texas) 5, 7B, 99

Amos, Olanda (daughter, female, black, 1 6/12, single, Texas) 3, 5A, 17

Amos, Rachal (wife, female, black, 75, married, Texas) 16, 1A, 22

Anaro, Eladio (head, male, Hispanic, 27, married, Texas) 16, 9B, 54

Anaro, Miguel (son, male, Hispanic, 2, single, Texas) 16, 9B, 56

Anaro, Teresa (wife, female, Hispanic, 20, married, Texas) 16, 9B, 55

Anders, Annie (wife, female, white, 52, married, Germany) 7, 2A, 47

Anders, Bertha (head, female, white, 40, widowed, Texas) 7, 7B, 85

Anders, Charlie (son, male, white, 9, single, Texas) 7, 7B, 93

Anders, Dorothy (daughter, female, white, 16, single, Texas) 7, 7B, 86

Anders, Edwin (son, male, white, 13, single, Texas) 7, 7B, 87

Anders, Florence (niece, female, white, 16, single, Texas) 7, 13A, 4

Anders, Frank (head, male, white, 53, married, Texas) 7, 2A, 46

Anders, Fred (son, male, white, 2 11/12, single, Texas) 7, 7B, 88

Anders, Hettie (daughter, female, white, 30, single, Texas) 7, 2A, 48

Anders, Julia (sister, female, white, 45, single, Texas) 7, 13A, 3

Anders, Millie (head, female, white, 48, single, Texas) 7, 13A, 2

Anderson, Boulden (head, male, black, 49, married, Texas) 6, 8B, 89

Anderson, Earl (son, male, black, 18, single, Texas) 10, 1B, 53

Anderson, Early (son, male, black, 2 1/3, single, Texas) 14, 22A, 1

Anderson, Ethel (daughter, female, black, 9/12, single, Texas) 1, 14A, 9

Anderson, Harley (head, male, white, 72, single, Denmark) 4, 3A, 48

Anderson, Harriet (wife, female, black, 40, married, Texas) 16, 17B, 81

Anderson, Hestella (wife, female, black, 56, married, Texas) 10, 1B, 52

Anderson, Irene (sister, female, black, 39, divorced, Texas) 6, 7A, 10

Anderson, Jack (head, male, black, 32, married, Texas) 16, 17B, 80

Anderson, Marcilline (head, female, black, 20, married, Texas) 1, 14A, 8

Anderson, Mary (mother, female, black, 53, married, Texas) 16, 20B, 64

Anderson, Meriwether L. (head, male, white, 38, married, Virginia) 14, 4B, 63

Anderson, Mrs. D. M. (head, female, black, 69, widowed, Texas) 16, 18B, 87

Anderson, Murphy (lodger, male, black, 32, married, Texas) 14, 21B, 99

Anderson, Myrtle (daughter, female, black, 14, single, Texas) 10, 1B, 54

Anderson, Orford (nephew, male, black, 17, single, Texas) 6, 7A, 11

Anderson, Ruth M. (wife, female, white, 34, married, Louisiana) 14, 4B, 64

Anderson, T. S. (step-son, male, black, 2, single, Texas) 16, 14B, 83

Anderson, William (head, male, black, 62, married, Texas) 10, 1B, 51

Andriano, Louise M. (head, female, white, 58, widowed, Texas) 1, 15A, 4

Andriano, Mary E. (daughter, female, white, 33, single, Texas) 1, 15A, 5

Andrisek, John (head, male, white, 63, single, Czechoslovakia) 3, 1A, 1

Andrisek, Pete (brother, male, white, 54, single, Texas) 3, 1A, 2

Andrus, Nannie (head, female, white, 60, widowed, Texas) 1, 5B, 65

Anhaiser, Annie (wife, female, white, 19, married, Texas) 9, 10B, 66

Anhaiser, Ray (head, male, white, 21, married, Texas) 9, 10B, 65

Anhaiser, Ray, Jr. (son, male, white, 11/12, single, Texas) 9, 10B, 67

Aquasta, Candido (head, male, Hispanic, 27, married, Mexico) 13, 2B, 52

Aquasta, Juanita (daughter, female, Hispanic, 5, single, Texas) 13, 2B, 55

Aquasta, Leonardo (son, male, Hispanic, 1 1/12, single, Texas) 13, 2B, 56

Aquasta, Liberto (son, male, Hispanic, 6, single, Texas) 13, 2B, 54

Aquasta, Ramona (wife, female, Hispanic, 27, married, Mexico) 13, 2B, 53

Archer, Henrietta (mother-in-law, female, black, 40, widowed, Texas) 16, 19A, 1

Archer, Tilman L. (father-in-law, male, black, 80, widowed, S. Carolina) 8, 2A, 35

Archie, Fred (brother, male, black, 30, single, Texas) 12, 5B, 64

Archie, General L. (brother, male, black, 24, single, Texas) 12, 5B, 65

Archie, Manfus (head, male, black, 29, divorced, Texas) 12, 5B, 63

Aredondo, Lavine (step-son, male, Hispanic, 13, single, Texas) 3, 3B, 62

Aredondo, Lolisia (step-daughter, female, Hispanic, 9, single, Texas) 3, 3B, 63

Aredondo, Mary (step-daughter, female, Hispanic, 16, single, Texas) 3, 3B, 61

Arkins, Abe (lodger, male, white, 24, single, Texas) 14, 22A, 28

Armstrong, Claire (cousin, female, white, 16, single, Illinois) 14, 4A, 37

Armstrong, Daisy (cousin, female, white, 9, single, Illinois) 14, 4A, 39

Armstrong, John J., Sr. (head, male, white, 85, widowed, Alabama) 7, 9A, 39

Armstrong, John, Jr. (head, male, white, 56, married, Texas) 7, 12B, 75

Armstrong, Lottie (wife, female, white, 54, married, Texas) 7, 12B, 76

Armstrong, Rosemary (cousin, female, white, 15, single, Illinois) 14, 4A, 38

Arndt, Arno E. (head, male, white, 32, married, Texas) 10, 5B, 66

Arndt, Tonie (wife, female, white, 27, married, Texas) 10, 5B, 67

Arnold, Albert F. (head, male, white, 29, married, Texas) 5, 12B, 82

Arnold, Albert J. (son, male, white, 11/12, single, Texas) 5, 12B, 85

Arnold, Amelia (wife, female, white, 52, married, Texas) 5, 13A, 36

Arnold, Annie (wife, female, white, 29, married, Texas) 5, 12B, 83

Arnold, Claire M. (wife, female, white, 46, married, Iowa) 14, 8B, 93

Arnold, Dorothy (wife, female, white, 21, married, Texas) 5, 13A, 28

Arnold, Florence (daughter, female, white, 6, single, Texas) 5, 12B, 84

Arnold, Frank (head, male, white, 54, married, Austria) 5, 13A, 35

Arnold, Frank J. (head, male, white, 24, married, Czechoslovakia) 5, 13A, 27

Arnold, Joseph F. (son, male, white, 16, single, Texas) 5, 13A, 38

Arnold, Marie P. (wife, female, white, 75, married, Illinois) 14, 8B, 91

Arnold, Mollie (head, female, white, 65, widowed, Texas) 5, 1A, 1

Arnold, Ray F. (head, male, white, 47, married, Iowa) 14, 8B, 92

Arnold, Ray F., Jr. (son, male, white, 7, single, Texas) 14, 8B, 94

Arnold, William (adopted son, male, white, 17, single, Texas) 5, 1A, 2

Arnold, William F. (son, male, white, 19, single, Texas) 5, 13A, 37

Arnold, William W. (head, male, white, 76, married, Illinois) 14, 8B, 90

Arrangton, Judson W. (nephew, male, white, 32, single, Texas) 1, 19B, 98

Arrangton, Whitfield (nephew, male, white, 29, single, Texas) 1, 19B, 99

Arthur, Anna (wife, female, black, 34, married, Texas) 9, 2A, 50

Arthur, Ella B. (wife, female, black, 45, married, Texas) 9, 2B, 72

Arthur, Ernest (head, male, black, 45, married, Texas) 9, 2A, 49

Arthur, George (son, male, black, 5, single, Texas) 9, 2B, 78

Arthur, John (head, male, black, 65, married, Texas) 9, 2A, 14

Arthur, K. P. (son, male, black, 13, single, Texas) 9, 2B, 75

Arthur, Lucille E. (daughter, female, black, 11, single, Texas) 9, 2B, 76

Arthur, Mary (wife, female, black, 66, married, Texas) 9, 2A, 15

Arthur, Myrtle A. (daughter, female, black, 15, single, Texas) 9, 2B, 74

Arthur, Nettie C. (daughter, female, black, 9, single, Texas) 9, 2B, 77

Arthur, Shelly B. (head, male, black, 47, married, Texas) 9, 2B, 71

Arthur, Woodrow W. (son, male, black, 18, single, Texas) 9, 2B, 73

Artus, Arculano (son, male, Hispanic, 20, single, Texas) 16, 11A, 48

Artus, Aurilio (son, male, Hispanic, 8, single, Mexico) 16, 11B, 53

Artus, Gregoria (daughter, female, Hispanic, 16, single, Texas) 16, 11A, 49

Artus, Junita (daughter, female, Hispanic, 10, single, Mexico) 16, 11B, 52

Artus, Lusa (daughter, female, Hispanic, 37, single, Texas) 16, 11A, 47

Artus, Malguides (daughter, female, Hispanic, 14, single, Mexico) 16, 11B, 51

Artus, Remijio (head, male, Hispanic, 62, married, Texas) 16, 11A, 45

Artus, Rosendo (son, male, Hispanic, 15, single, Texas) 16, 11A, 50

Artus, Slemina (wife, female, Hispanic, 63, married, Texas) 16, 11A, 46

Aschenbeck, Alfred (head, male, white, 32, married, Texas) 10, 9A, 12

Aschenbeck, Leona (daughter, female, white, 6, single, Texas) 10, 9A, 14

Aschenbeck, Lilly (daughter, female, white, 3 6/12, single, Texas) 10, 9A, 15

Aschenbeck, Otillie (wife, female, white, 29, married, Texas) 10, 9A, 13

Ashley, Evylsus J. (father-In-law, male, black, 40, widowed, Mississippi) 16, 16A, 22

Ashton, Carrie (daughter, female, black, 9, single, Texas) 1, 16B, 58

Ashton, Elton (son, male, black, 8, single, Texas) 1, 16B, 59

Ashton, Emil (head, male, black, 31, married, Texas) 2, 9B, 86

Ashton, Emil, Jr. (son, male, black, 1 6/12, single, Texas) 2, 9B, 88

Ashton, Lenmus (head, male, black, 31, widowed, Texas) 16, 6A, 35

Ashton, Lola (head, female, white, 48, widowed, Texas) 1, 6A, 21

Ashton, Lonnie (head, male, black, 27, married, Texas) 1, 16B, 56

Ashton, Otis E. (daughter, female, black, 5, single, Texas) 1, 16B, 60

Ashton, Rodell (son, male, black, 16, single, Texas) 16, 6A, 36

Ashton, Sylvia (wife, female, black, 20, married, Texas) 2, 9B, 87

Ashton, Tommie (wife, female, black, 26, married, Texas) 1, 16B, 57

Astorga, Salome (boarder, male, Hispanic, 73, single, Mexico) 3, 3B, 77

Atherton, Emmet (lodger, male, white, 20, single, Texas) 14, 22A, 24

Atkinson, Evylen (boarder, female, white, 25, single, Texas) 7, 11A, 39

Auerbach, Frank (head, male, white, 57, married, Texas) 1, 19B, 85

Auerbach, Lillian (wife, female, white, 48, married, Texas) 1, 19B, 86

Auerbach, Sedonia (head, female, white, 44, widowed, Texas) 1, 9A, 11

Augierrie, Arthur (lodger, male, Hispanic, 22, single, Mexico) 14, 18B, 95

Ausby, Kittie D. (adopted-daughter, female, black, 10, single, Texas) 8, 3B, 76

Austin, Anna M. (daughter, female, white, 12, single, Texas) 16, 1B, 82

Austin, Aron (son, male, black, 17, single, Texas) 7, 2A, 18

Austin, Artessie (daughter, female, black, 18, single, Texas) 2, 8B, 99

Austin, Benjamin (head, male, black, 30, married, Texas) 5, 12A, 4

Austin, C.L. (son, male, black, 9, single, Texas) 2, 9A, 33

Austin, Carl (son, male, white, 6, single, Texas) 14, 15A, 45

Austin, Cartell (daughter, female, white, 16, single, Texas) 16, 1B, 80

Austin, Charlie (head, male, black, 37, married, Texas) 2, 8B, 97

Austin, Clifford (son, male, black, 13, single, Texas) 2, 9A, 31

Austin, Dorothy (daughter, female, white, 3 5/12, single, Texas) 14, 15A, 46

Austin, Eddie (son, male, black, 19, single, Texas) 2, 4A, 10

Austin, Edna (wife, female, white, 31, married, Indiana) 16, 2B, 60

Austin, Edna R. (daughter, female, white, 7, single, Texas) 16, 2B, 62

Austin, Erline (daughter, female, white, 7, single, Texas) 14, 15A, 44

Austin, Estelle (wife, female, white, 30, married, Texas) 14, 15A, 43

Austin, Ethel O. (wife, female, white, 37, married, Texas) 16, 1B, 79

Austin, Henry (head, male, black, 40, married, Texas) 7, 2A, 16

Austin, Henry L. (son, male, white, 3, single, Texas) 16, 2B, 63

Austin, Horace (son, male, black, 1 9/12, single, Texas) 7, 2A, 25

Austin, Iona B. (daughter, female, black, 11, single, Texas) 2, 9A, 32

Austin, Jessie (daughter, female, white, 12, single, Texas) 1, 3B, 84

Austin, Jettie M. (daughter, female, black, 7, single, Texas) 2, 6B, 68

Austin, Joe (head, male, white, 43, married, Texas) 1, 3B, 80

Austin, Joe W. (son, male, white, 15, single, Texas) 1, 3B, 83

Austin, John (son, male, white, 9, single, Oklahoma) 1, 3B, 85

Austin, John H. (son, male, black, 7, single, Texas) 2, 9A, 34

Austin, John L. (son, male, white, 9, single, Texas) 16, 2B, 61

Austin, Lester (son, male, black, 18, single, Texas) 2, 4A, 11

Austin, Lewis (head, male, white, 35, married, Texas) 16, 2B, 59

Austin, Lizzie (wife, female, black, 28, married, Texas) 2, 8B, 98

Austin, Mamie O. (daughter, female, black, 8, single, Texas) 7, 2A, 22

Austin, Marion (son, male, black, 5, single, Texas) 7, 2A, 23

Austin, Martha (mother-in-law, female, white, 66, widowed, Mississippi) 14, 23B, 86

Austin, Martha (wife, female, white, 43, married, Texas) 1, 3B, 81

Austin, Mary (wife, female, black, 62, married, Texas) 2, 4A, 9

Austin, Minnie L. (daughter, female, black, 3 7/12, single, Texas) 7, 2A, 24

Austin, Pauline (daughter, female, white, 15, single, Texas) 16, 1B, 81

Austin, Philmore (head, male, black, 37, married, Texas) 2, 9A, 29

Austin, Pincy (wife, female, black, 39, married, Texas) 5, 12A, 5

Austin, Ruby (daughter, female, black, 5, single, Texas) 2, 9A, 35

Austin, Ruthie (wife, female, black, 34, married, Texas) 7, 2A, 17

Austin, Sam W. (head, male, white, 34, married, Texas) 14, 15A, 42

Austin, Sammie (daughter, female, white, 17, single, Oklahoma) 1, 3B, 82

Austin, Sammie (son, male, black, 11, single, Texas) 7, 2A, 21

Austin, T. O. (son, male, black, 7, single, Texas) 2, 8B, 100

Austin, Thomas E. (head, male, white, 37, married, Texas) 16, 1B, 78

Austin, Tom H. (son, male, black, 13, single, Texas) 7, 2A, 20

Austin, V. L. (grandson, male, black, 3, single, Texas) 1, 1B, 53

Austin, Viola (daughter, female, black, 16, single, Texas) 7, 2A, 19

Austin, Wash (head, male, black, 66, married, Mississippi) 2, 4A, 8

Austin, Westavia (wife, female, black, 30, married, Texas) 2, 9A, 30

Austin, William (son, male, white, 11, single, Texas) 16, 1B, 83

Author, Irene (roomer, female, black, 19, single, Texas) 7, 4A, 26

Author, Myrtle (roomer, female, black, 17, single, Texas) 7, 4A, 46

Author, Trula (roomer, female, black, 20, single, Texas) 7, 4A, 27

Avaloz, Angel (son, male, Hispanic, 16, single, Texas) 16, 5B, 57

Avaloz, Candelaria (daughter, female, Hispanic, 1/12, single, Texas) 16, 5B, 60

Avaloz, Domingo (head, male, Hispanic, 27, married, Texas) 16, 5B, 61

Avaloz, Fedencio (son, male, Hispanic, 5, single, Texas) 16, 5B, 59

Avaloz, Lorenzo (son, male, Hispanic, 19, single, Texas) 16, 5B, 58

Avaloz, Ramos (head, male, Hispanic, 50, widowed, Mexico) 16, 5B, 56

Avaloz, Roberta (wife, female, Hispanic, 21, married, Texas) 16, 5B, 62

Avila, Fransisco (head, male, Hispanic, 68, widowed, Mexico) 14, 17B, 69

Axel, Cora (wife, female, black, 38, married, Texas) 2, 6B, 58

Axel, Curtis N. (son, male, black, 3 0/12, single, Texas) 2, 6B, 63

Axel, Dora (wife, female, black, 41, married, Texas) 5, 8A, 10

Axel, Dorris L. (daughter, female, black, 6, single, Texas) 2, 6B, 65

Axel, Emma (wife, female, black, 41, married, Texas) 2, 6A, 6

Axel, Finest (son, male, black, 13, single, Texas) 5, 7A, 3

Axel, Hattie (wife, female, black, 42, married, Texas) 5, 5B, 90

Axel, Isaac (head, male, black, 44, married, Texas) 5, 5B, 89

Axel, James G. (son, male, black, 7, single, Texas) 2, 6B, 62

Axel, John (head, male, black, 40, married, Texas) 2, 6A, 5

Axel, John L. (son, male, black, 12, single, Texas) 2, 6A, 8

Axel, L. Z. (son, male, black, 10, single, Texas) 2, 6A, 9

Axel, Lawrence E. (son, male, black, 8/12, single, Texas) 2, 6B, 64

Axel, Lester (son, male, black, 8, single, Texas) 2, 6A, 10

Axel, Madison (head, male, black, 29, married, Texas) 5, 12A, 31

Axel, Marie (wife, female, black, 28, married, Texas) 5, 6A, 7

Axel, Marion (daughter, female, black, 1, single, Texas) 5, 6A, 8

Axel, Mattie (head, male, black, 33, married, Texas) 5, 6A, 6

Axel, Mayetta (daughter, female, black, 14, single, Texas) 2, 6B, 59

Axel, Minnie (wife, female, black, 38, married, Texas) 5, 12A, 32

Axel, Miriam (daughter, female, black, 1 2/12, single, Texas) 5, 12A, 33

Axel, Ned R. (head, male, black, 45, married, Texas) 5, 7A, 1

Axel, Oder L. (daughter, female, black, 14, single, Texas) 2, 6A, 7

Axel, Samuel (head, male, black, 52, married, Texas) 5, 8A, 9

Axel, Vera E. (wife, female, black, 38, married, Texas) 5, 7A, 2

Axel, Virginia R. (daughter, female, black, 9, single, Texas) 2, 6B, 61

Axel, William (head, male, black, 40, married, Texas) 2, 6B, 57

Axel, William, Jr. (son, male, black, 12, single, Texas) 2, 6B, 60

Axell, Florence (wife, female, black, 33, married, Texas) 1, 16A, 38

Axell, John H. (son, male, black, 9, single, Texas) 1, 16A, 41

Axell, Mattie L. (daughter, female, black, 13, single, Texas) 1, 16A, 39

Axell, Willie (head, male, black, 35, married, Texas) 1, 16A, 37

Axell, Willie, Jr. (son, male, black, 11, single, Texas) 1, 16A, 40

Aycock, Maggie (wife, female, black, 48, married, Texas) 6, 6B, 74

Aycock, Mildred (daughter, female, black, 20, single, Texas) 6, 6B, 75

Aycock, Willie (head, male, black, 46, married, Texas) 6, 6B, 73

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